the online diagnoser isn't much good, it just seems to mark the results on a list without telling you anything, unless I missed something...
Friday, 17 October 2008
the online diagnoser isn't much good, it just seems to mark the results on a list without telling you anything, unless I missed something...
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Weymouth Carnival - Mobility team
I don't know yet if anyone else in a mobility scooter or wheelchair is planning to? I've had four volunteers so far, please let anyone you know who might be interested know. I was thinking an aquatic theme?
There's not long enough for the giant, animated puppets I had in mind this year, though apparently wheelchairs and scooters make excellent bases for these...
Please email me if you or someone you know is interested
Friday, 27 June 2008
Thursday, 5 June 2008
LEBSWUK- live event blogging with Nokia N95 - bcidecsidemedia and WAN
Wow! 3 are giving me this phone. I wanted it for the 5Mp camera but what a toy! Basically it is the nuts and it's going to kick off my new LEBing escapade nicely. I'm sure the accelerometer will be handy too...
Live event blogging is nothing new, it is very effective for dissemination of otherwise exclusive content and is very useful as an activism tool. Also great for any festival event of gallery opening, gig etc. Combined with a youtube and facebook campaign it is THE way to get noticed on line and draw people from the web into your event and world.
Allegedly the phone should turn up tomorrow, I hope to LEB from South West Arts Contemporary Arts Exhibition at Weymouth Museum Brewers Quay
So, if it does arrive you should see stuff straight from the gallery appearing at tomorrow afternoon...
Technorati Tags: blog, blogging, live, video, nokia, n95, moblog, weblog, video, photo, event, gig, festivsal, marketing, media, social, facebook
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
SOS Weymouth - Spirit of the Sea on facebook
Spirit of the Sea will be awesome and it will be building every year in the run up to the Olympics, as part of the Cultural Olympiad. Moving Tides will hopefully become a much enhanced Carnival., this year it's Armada down the Esplanada
If you want to know more about local art opportunities or just taking part please email me.

Technorati Tags: Weymouth, Portland, UK, sea, festival, regatta, boats, events, college, carnival, spirit, sea, swan, weymouth, arts, network, cultural, olympiad, 2012, sailing, olympics, extra, mile, engagement, inspire, public, art, london, swank
Monday, 12 May 2008
Donor children!?
Surely this IS a mistake. I've found nothing on google as yet. Watch this space...
Technorati Tags: baby, babies, gm, organ, donor, children, ethics, clone, cloning, bone, marrow, leukiaemia, kidney
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
recently disabled - return to work
He said that if they're going to get legal on my ass then I need to be signed off properly, even though I can work from home. So I'm signed off off for the next three months, seeing a councilor re: stress and on DHC Elixir, which sounds magic, for the smack. My GP says he'll be happy to tell anyone who needs telling that I CAN use the internet and a phone from home, I'm that hard.
Also hope to hear back re: some other advice soon, I'll keep you posted...
Monday, 28 April 2008
Monkey Helpers for the Disabled - Monkey Helpers For The Disabled
Sadie was trained by Helping Hands, Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, a national non-profit organization with its home in Allston.
Technorati Tags: accident, blogging, bone, break, cripplerant, crutches, debt, deer, disability, disabled, dla, dorset, return, theonewhoistall, work, monkey, helper, primate, hand, assist
Monday, 21 April 2008
About Disability Alliance - very useful website
Disability Alliance UK (United Kingdom) - About Disability Alliance
About Disability Alliance
Disability Alliance is a national registered charity with the principal aim of relieving the poverty and improving the living standards of disabled people. Our eventual aim is to break the link between poverty and disability.
free heating upgrade
eaga | Government Contracts | Apply for a Grant
Since its inception, eaga has made a positive difference to more than five million disadvantaged households by installing energy efficiency measures and central heating in homes across the UK.
Technorati Tags: work, home, disabled, dda, higher, mobility, benefit, return, work
Monday, 14 April 2008
Standard chairs and chair accessories are
generally regarded as daily living equipment.
If you need to change your chair because of a
disability your local authority may provide one
on loan after an assessment by an
occupational therapist (OT) or trained
assessor. However, budget constraints make
it impossible for many authorities to provide
this sort of equipment so it is important to ask
what you may be entitled to in your area.
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Dads site
Bioresonance info
Bio-resonance Therapy is a comprehensive, effective, non-invasive and safe energy therapy that helps the body rebalance its systems for improved health. It addresses the body in a truly integrative and holistic way.
It's called e-lybra 9 energy balancing system, distributed by world development systems, and I've found the web site...

Technorati Tags: e-capsule, e, lybra, 9, energy, healing, biofield, imbalance, alternative
my search funds scam?
I've joined up and will try it for a bit and let you know... Sound too
good to be true so probably is... If not, bargain, please sign up via
me : ) Or just take a look here
Technorati Tags: money, free, scam, clickfraud, click, fraud, search, natural, seo
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Are drugs trials stopped early to exaggerate benefits? - health - 09 April 2008 - New Scientist
Are drugs trials stopped early to exaggerate benefits?
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Cripplerant Stats
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Wales promised NHS revolution - icWales
The new hospital, which will serve the mid-Valleys area of Glamorgan and Gwent, will have twice the outpatient facilities and half the inpatient beds of the traditional 20th century hospital, as the NHS moves away from institutionalised healthcare towards a community-based system.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
published again! this is ace, I wonder how much I'll earn? check out triond
Citizens' Advice
Citizens' Advice
by theonewhoistall, Apr 5, 2008
A true experience, amusingly contrasting the good and bad of the citizens' advice bureau.
Remember I said how helpful citizens advice had been? It's true, the representative who visited me really knew her stuff and was incredibly helpful, and efficient. Letters were sent out within a few days.
Cool, published via triond on picable
Gary Jones - Curriculum vitae
Please see my CV and forward to anyone you think might have some work for me or need my help
Thursday, 3 April 2008
The right to flexible working
- Part-time working. For example, an employee might start work later and finish early in order to take care of children after school
- Flexi-time. Employees may be required to work within essential periods but outside 'core times' they often get flexibility in how they work their hours
- Job-sharing. Typically, two employees share the work normally done by one employee
- Working from home. New technology makes communication with office and customers possible by telephone, fax and email from home, car or other remote locations
Jobcentre Plus - Our Offices
Weymouth Jobcentre Plus
Westwey HouseWestwey Road
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01202 276015
Textphone: 01202 270 6015
Click here to Email Jobcentre Plus
Jobcentre Plus
Repossessions And Bankruptcies Spiral (from Dorset Echo)
Here's Helen who's been so helpful in keeping the hounds at bay plus loads of other good advice, free!
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
The consultants letter - so that's why I went to hospital!
1 . An open fracture of his Ieft zygoma/cheek bone with skin and soft tissue Ioss.
2. A displaced fracture of his left clavicle.
3. A displaced fracture of his left scapula
4. Fractured left 1st 4th-8th ribs
5. Fractured spinous processes of T7-T9 vertebrae.
6. Left acetabulum fracture (pelvis).
7. Compression fracture T12 vertebral body.
8. Displaced fracture left ulna bone in forearm.
9. Grade 3b open fracture left tibia with marked comminution and bone Ioss.
10. Severe abrasions both ankles with skin and soft tissue Ioss down to bone.
Mr Jones underwent surgery to stabilise his left tibia, clavicle and ulna bone. In addition he underwent a free tissue transfer performed by the Plastic Surgeons at
Mr Jones is now currently convalescing at home. He is taking analgesics as required. He is still not able to use crutches and is mobile in a wheelchair. Mr Jones is going to have further surgery at
Mr Jones received his diagnosis on the night of the accident when he was transported to the accident and emergency department at
Hospital (18th December 2007).
Mr Jones is currently not able to put any weight through his Ieft Ieg and Ieft arm. He is using a wheelchair to mobilise. Therefore he is unable to walk. He is at present unable to negotiate any stairs. He is able to use his right arm and Ieg normally. He is able to use his left arm for personal care and Iight activities only.
Mr Jones was discharged from hospital on 14/02/2008. He was at that stage requiring morphine for pain. This can have an effect on cognitive function.
It is apparent from the above that Mr Jones is at present significantly disabled in terms of his abllity to perform basic daily activities.
Mr Jones will make a good recovery from the majority of his injuries. The injury that will require the most time to heal in his severe Ieft Iower Ieg injury. The injury was such that the Ieg was nearly amputated just below the knee Ievel. The leg being held on by the posterior soft tissues. There was a Iarge amount of skin and soft tissue Ioss on the front of Mr Jones Ieg together with a Iarge amount of bone Ioss. It will be a significant challenge to get Mr Jones's leg bones to heal. He is likely to require multiple further operations to his Ieft Iower leg. The next operation is planned for the 27th of March 2007 at
In my personal experience the type of tibia fracture that Mr Jones has often takes in excess of 1 year to fully join. It is also important to note that the chances of Mr Jones's leg joining/healing are between 60 and 80%. If the tibia were not to join or there were significant infective complications it is possible that Mr Jones could require an amputation. If this were required I would anticipate that Mr Jones would very quickly be fully mobile and independent with the aid of a prosthetic lower limb. This is however only theoretical as there is every chance that Mr Jones tibia will go on to join over the next 12 months.
If Mr Jones's upper limb fractures heal without further intervention, as l anticipate he should be mobile with crutches over the next 4-6 weeks. Mr Jones will require crutches until his left lower leg heals/joins i.e. about 1 year if all progresses well.
It is therefore possible that once Mr Jones recovers from his next surgery he could return to work in a limited capacity. He is likely to require 3-4 weeks after his next surgery for postoperative wounds and postoperative pain to settle to an acceptable level. At that stage would anticipate Mr Jones to be able to perform a substantial proportion of his work. He would require some form of transport to work, as he would be unable to drive himself at that stage. If the stairs are of dimensions suitable to accept a person using crutches he should be able to negotiate the stairs.
The principle difficulty I can see is the ''standing for long periods'' aspect of Mr Jones's job. This would be difficult with Mr Jones only being mobile with crutches. It should however be possible for Mr Jones to stand for short-intermediate periods of time. Ideally with the ability to elevate his leg to reduce swelling periodically.
Once Mr Jones leg has healed he should be able to perform all aspects of his job.
It is the severe left lower leg injury that is going to determine when Mr Jones is able to return to work an at what time he is able to resume normal duties. The other injuries should not have a significant impact on Mr Jones's working capacity. They are therefore unlikely to directly cause him to have further episodes of related illness in the future.
In my opinion Mr Jones will be able to render regular valuable service in the near future. Mr Jones is likely to need further surgery to enable his left lower leg to heal. The first of these 27th March 2007. The exact number of further surgeries is not possible to predict. There is a chance that following the next planned surgery the leg
joins and no further surgery is required. If further surgeries are required they are likely to require Mr Jones to be in hospital for a few days with a short period of convalescence at home before returning to work.
l am not an expert on the Disability Discrimination act of 1995 l have however studied the act and in my opinion Mr Jones would be classed as disabled for 'the purposes of the aforementioned act. Mr Jones's injuries will have a ''substantial adverse effect on normal day to day activities'' for example mobility. The effects of this are likely to last in excess of 1 year from the date of injury.
Once Mr Jones has recovered from his next operation and provided that his 2 upper limb /arm fractures have joined, Mr Jones should be able to return to work in a reduced capacity.
Specific areas/recommendations that would assist Mr Jones are:
1 . A staged return to work.
2. Working from home where possible.
3. Assistance with transportation.
I believe the above to factually true and any opinions expressed are correct
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
The new marketing
- Promotes open dialogue within your community
- Is multi-faceted, easily supporting thousands of blogs and growing according to your needs
- Allows your employees, customers, prospects, and partners to communicate in a borderless network
- Provides a platform for individuals to share opinions and experiences
The Cockroach Catcher: Seroxat and Ribena
“Take one advice from me; think the opposite, the opposite to what the big Pharmas tell you. In pharmacology, shorter acting drugs are more addictive. That was what I learned in Medical School and is still true if you think carefully about it.”
Today’s Times headline: No prosecution on suicide-risk drug."
Nhs — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
charliemarks wrote 1 week ago: I say only in England, not because it couldn’t happen in Scotland or Wales, but because it will only happen … more »
Tags: Uncategorized"
NHS blogs
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Being the National Health Service's Bitch
Dr Rant
Next time someone says 'can't you just do a blood test' doctor, or the next time some unimaginative Noctor Fucktitioner fan suggests that medicine can be distilled into a series of flow charts, I can recommend no better remedy than a quick trip to DB's Medical Rants' article on 'Beyond sensitivity and specificity':"
Doctor Anonymous: NHS Blog Doctor: What's happened?
I just got a distressing e-mail from my blog friend and colleague The Angry Medic. The last post on the NHS Blog Doctor's blog is on October 17th, 2007. As I scrolled down, I see 129 comments (as of this posting). The most disturbing is the following:
Hello to you all."
NHS Blog Doctor
feeling a bit run down: Rant
Apart from the pain relief problem and traditional wait my experience of Southampton was very good. I went down to surgery at 11am Friday and came round in recovery at 1500ish. The op had gone very well apparently. My leg and particularly my hip were very sore... amazing to have a leg though.
Discussion Forums
Has anyone experience of using hand disinfection products other than alcohol based rub/gels? eg the NewGenn QAC foam ? I would be interested in comparing notes
Originally posted by: Elizabeth Wright | Date Posted: 10/Sep/04 13:50
reply to this thread
RE: hand disinfection
It depends what you are looking for. I would recommend that you only consider an NHS approved product. Have a look at Softalind on our web site. This product has been tested aginst many major pathogens and I would be happy to send you the information."
Hospital Infection Society Home

Hospital Infection Society Home: "Infection microbes
The HIS exists to foster the advancement of knowledge and education of all those who have an interest in the important field of hospital infection."