Thursday, 25 November 2010

If you value you and you're childrens futures, please watch this.

A very well spent 90mins... explains soooo much... EU=NAZIS PLAN B, check out who will run EU banks, police and infrastructure... Scary but you will be glad to know the TRUTH.

Find out where in your schools,hospitals and councils is COMMON PURPOSE involved? Why is ev3rything being run into the ground?

Amplify’d from
Miley Cyrus NO EU Common Purpose NWO Fifth Column Brian Gerrish

NO EU - Common Purpose New World Order Fifth Column Brian Gerrish 7-08. (Low Res) Brian Gerrish presents in Bournemouth . . .
(Disclaimer: Views and opinions presented here are for informational and educational purposes only and may not necessarily be those of the makers of this video)

Albert Burgess - Our Constitutional Rights Cannot Be Given Away Ever!
Helenor Bye Life Ended by Medical Negligence epilim, nhs, misdiagnosis, medical malpractice
MRG Ashley Mote - After European Union Lisbon Treaty
No EU - Rev Philip Foster - Global Warming Con is a Tool of Control

Research Ms V, Brian Gerrish rcoonespolitics, rcoones, FTAA, GATT, NAFTA, , SPP, George Bush, Conspiracy, World Can't Wait, 9-11, tyranny, Freedom To Fascism, Protest, Indy Media, world bank, bank of international settlement, cfr, riia, chatham house, Patriot Act, Enemy Combatant, Democracy, Conspiracy Theory, Ms V, government corruption, legislature, torture, Tony Blair, PC, Media Manipulation, Secret Government, Common Market, England, King George, Football, cricket, queen elizabeth, Bilderberger, Chatham House, Tavistock Institute, European Movement, common market, corpus juris, magna carta, habeas corpus, jury trial, cia, masons, illuminati, fabian society rcoones, rcoonespolitics, global warming, Al Gore, ukip, conspiracy, sustainable development, kyoto accord, Rio summit, co2 emmissions, carbon, wto G8 G7 G5

The Column:
Daryl Bradford Smith: 'The French Connection'
The Truth Will Set You Free
RBN Republic Broadcasting Network
Anti-Rothschild Alliance 'Japanese'
British National Party:
David Icke:
Campaign Against DWP Corruption:
Tony Gosling's homepage
Battle For Britain:
Representative Press: http://representativepress.googlepage...
Big_Bang Lindsey Williams Singles Zeitgeist doctor who Loose Change Linux John Lloyd CCTV Hancock Top Gear Glastonbury Wesley Clark Harry Reid George Carlin Endgame Miley Cyrus Jonas Brothers

NO EU - Common Purpose New World Order Fifth Column Brian Gerrish 7-08. (Low Res) Brian Gerrish presents in Bournemouth . . .
(Disclaimer: Views and opinions presented here are for informational and educational purposes only and may not necessarily be those of the makers of this video)

Albert Burgess - Our Constitutional Rights Cannot Be Given Away Ever!
Helenor Bye Life Ended by Medical Negligence epilim, nhs, misdiagnosis, medical malpractice
MRG Ashley Mote - After European Union Lisbon Treaty
No EU - Rev Philip Foster - Global Warming Con is a Tool of Control

Research Ms V, Brian Gerrish rcoonespolitics, rcoones, FTAA, GATT, NAFTA, , SPP, George Bush, Conspiracy, World Can't Wait, 9-11, tyranny, Freedom To Fascism, Protest, Indy Media, world bank, bank of international settlement, cfr, riia, chatham house, Patriot Act, Enemy Combatant, Democracy, Conspiracy Theory, Ms V, government corruption, legislature, torture, Tony Blair, PC, Media...
all »

NO EU - Common Purpose New World Order Fifth Column Brian Gerrish 7-08. (Low Res) Brian Gerrish presents in Bournemouth . . .
(Disclaimer: Views and opinions presented here are for informational and educational purposes only and may not necessarily be those of the makers of this video)

Albert Burgess - Our Constitutional Rights Cannot Be Given Away Ever!
Helenor Bye Life Ended by Medical Negligence epilim, nhs, misdiagnosis, medical malpractice
MRG Ashley Mote - After European Union Lisbon Treaty
No EU - Rev Philip Foster - Global Warming Con is a Tool of Control

Research Ms V, Brian Gerrish rcoonespolitics, rcoones, FTAA, GATT, NAFTA, , SPP, George Bush, Conspiracy, World Can't Wait, 9-11, tyranny, Freedom To Fascism, Protest, Indy Media, world bank, bank of international settlement, cfr, riia, chatham house, Patriot Act, Enemy Combatant, Democracy, Conspiracy Theory, Ms V, government corruption, legislature, torture, Tony Blair, PC, Media Manipulation, Secret Government, Common Market, England, King George, Football, cricket, queen elizabeth, Bilderberger, Chatham House, Tavistock Institute, European Movement, common market, corpus juris, magna carta, habeas corpus, jury trial, cia, masons, illuminati, fabian society rcoones, rcoonespolitics, global warming, Al Gore, ukip, conspiracy, sustainable development, kyoto accord, Rio summit, co2 emmissions, carbon, wto G8 G7 G5

The Column:
Daryl Bradford Smith: 'The French Connection'
The Truth Will Set You Free
RBN Republic Broadcasting Network
Anti-Rothschild Alliance 'Japanese'
British National Party:
David Icke:
Campaign Against DWP Corruption:
Tony Gosling's homepage
Battle For Britain:
Representative Press: http://representativepress.googlepage...
Big_Bang Lindsey Williams Singles Zeitgeist doctor who Loose Change Linux John Lloyd CCTV Hancock Top Gear Glastonbury Wesley Clark Harry Reid George Carlin Endgame Miley Cyrus Jonas Brothers


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